Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace - 1999
American Pie - 1999
The Mummy - 1999
The Green Mile - 1999
Toy Story 2 - 1999
Fight Club - 1999
The Matrix - 1999
The Uncut Story of Mewtwo's Origin - 1999
City Walk - 1999
Accelerated Under-Development: In the Idiom of Santiago Alvarez - 1999
The Millennium Menace - 1999
Jason Kuller: Goodbye Yellow Brick Joke - 1999
Mulholland Dr. - 1999
Miss Nelson is Back - 1999
Detective Conan: The Last Wizard of the Century - 1999
Penthouse Presents: Lingerie Party - 1999
Lupin the Third: The Columbus Files - 1999
Jimi Hendrix: Live at Woodstock - 1999
The Life and Death of Owen Hart - 1999
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