Fortress of War - 2010
Waiting for a Miracle - 2007
Hipsters - 2008
Dead Stop - 2011
Forbidden Empire - 2014
Ilya and the Robber - 2007
Morphine - 2008
Mission London - 2010
Hitler's Kaput! - 2008
By the Will of Chingis Khan - 2009
Admiral - 2008
You and I - 2011
The Lighthouse - 2006
Mermaid - 2007
The Heat - 2006
The Island - 2006
Cargo 200 - 2007
Blockade - 2006
The Banishment - 2008
12 - 2007
It Doesn't Hurt Me - 2006
Andersen. Life Without Love - 2006
Tycoon's Interpreter - 2006
Generation P - 2011
The Italian - 2005
Dead Man's Bluff - 2005
9th Company - 2005
Wolfhound of the Grey Dog Clan - 2006
Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan - 2007
The Rider Named Death - 2004
The Sword and the Dragon - 1956
Wings of Victory - 1941
Alexander Nevsky - 1938
Three Songs About Lenin - 1934
Enthusiasm - 1930
The Steel Road - 1929
The Ghost That Never Returns - 1930
Fragment of an Empire - 1929
Man with a Movie Camera - 1929
Storm Over Asia - 1928
The Eleventh Year - 1928
October (Ten Days that Shook the World) - 1928
The End of St. Petersburg - 1927
The Peasant Women of Ryazan - 1927
Stride, Soviet! - 1926
Mother - 1926
Chess Fever - 1925
Battleship Potemkin - 1925
Strike - 1925
Kino Eye - 1924
Anniversary of the Revolution - 1918
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