That's That! - 1937
She's Got Everything - 1937
Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel - 1937
The Bad Man of Brimstone - 1937
Zula Hula - 1937
To New Shores - 1937
You Only Live Once - 1937
Young and Innocent - 1937
You Can't Have Everything - 1937
Woman Chases Man - 1937
Wings Over Honolulu - 1937
Wings of the Morning - 1937
Wine, Women and Horses - 1937
Wild West Days - 1937
When You're in Love - 1937
Way Out West - 1937
Wee Willie Winkie - 1937
Waikiki Wedding - 1937
Vogues of 1938 - 1937
Victoria the Great - 1937
Life Dances On - 1937
The Vicar of Bray - 1937
True Confession - 1937
Topper - 1937
Trade Tattoo - 1937
The Toast of New York - 1937
The Ticket of Leave Man - 1937
Thunder in the City - 1937
Thoroughbreds Don't Cry - 1937
They Won't Forget - 1937
Thin Ice - 1937
They Gave Him a Gun - 1937
That Certain Woman - 1937
Talking Feet - 1937
Thank You, Mr. Moto - 1937
Swing High, Swing Low - 1937
Super-Sleuth - 1937
Storm in a Teacup - 1937
Submarine D-1 - 1937
Stella Dallas - 1937
A Star Is Born - 1937
Stage Door - 1937
Stand-In - 1937
The Squeaker - 1937
Souls at Sea - 1937
The Spanish Earth - 1937
Smart Blonde - 1937
Slim - 1937
Slave Ship - 1937
Mister Max - 1937
Silver Blaze - 1937
What Did the Lady Forget? - 1937
Shall We Dance - 1937
The Show Goes On - 1937
Second Honeymoon - 1937
Sara Learns Manners - 1937
Saratoga - 1937
San Quentin - 1937
SOS Coast Guard - 1937
Rover's Rival - 1937
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